
Sunday, July 17, 2016


1.Papaya protects against heart disease and protects our eye sight.
2.It improves our digestion and complexion.
3.It helps treat arthritis,helps to maintain healthy weight and helps to treat hypertension.
4.It nourishes hair and prevents cancer.
5.It is a good source of vitamin c and folate.
6.It increases blood count and good for our bones.
7.It controls skin ulcers and strengthens our body muscles.

Friday, July 15, 2016


1. Watermelon helps to boost our immune system.
2.It helps in energy production and prevent cancer.
3.Rich in antioxidants and promotes weight loss.
4.It also  helps to improves our eyesight and improves heart health.
5.It lowers blood pressure and high water content of 92%.
6.It produces energy in our body.
7.It hydrate our body,maintain healthy eyes,keeping kidneys healthy,improve mood and helps the metabolism of body.


1.Mango is a King of all fruits.It is good for our eyesight ,digestible and fight against microbial infections.
2.It strengthens our immunity system and remedy for heat stroke and enables brain development.
3.It is high in copper and generate red blood cells and improves our memory system.
4.Helps to maintain healthy nerve function and helps to reduces the risk of heart diseases.
5.It alkalizes our body and enhances sex life.
6.It is good for our skin,rich in minerals,remove acne and in preparation of jam,jelly,candy.
7.Fights against dandruff and fights against cancer.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


1.Bananas help to provide energy ,helps with hangovers ,helps to improve your blood circulation ,fight against infections ,protect skin against damage from UV- Radiations.
2.It suppress prostate gland enlargement and suppress Oxalate kidney stones.
3.It enhances nutrient absorption and fight obesity.
4.It helps to maintain regular heartbeat and help body to deliver oxygen to the brain and help curb sugar            cravings.
5.It helps to reduces the risk of stroke ,reduce symptoms of nicotine withdrawal ,reduces menstrual pains ,reduces the pain of bug bites.
6.It contains anti-oxidants ,vitamins and minerals.
7.It helps the people with ulcer.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


1.Apple helps to preventing asthma attacks because apples are very rich in vitamin C. Benefical study found that the supplements of vitamin C helping in protecting against exercise induced asthma.
2.IT lowers bad cholesterol of our body and it prevents also from cancer.
3.Boost your immune system and decrease the rate of diabetes.
4.It Helps in making you whiter and healthier teeth.
5.It helps in protecting against  Parkinson's.
6.It helps in maintains a healthy heart ,helps to remove Toxins and helps to control weight of our body.